Chappaquiddick's Boiler Room Girls!


This past weekend’s buzz among Boston movie lovers and history buffs was definitely the release of Chappaquiddick. Anything with a Kennedy is a hot local topic and the highly anticipated movie depicts Senator Ted Kennedy’s involvement in the car accident that claimed campaign strategist Mary Jo Kopechne’s life.

Our Patrice Vinci had a front row seat (her salon chair) before the first ticket was even sold. She served as the colorist for the film’s “Boiler Room” girls, the women who worked in Kennedy's 1968 presidential campaign office. Her expert touch made actresses Gillian Mariner Gordon, Lexie Roth, Angela Hope Smith, and Katie Henoch look the parts.

The day before shooting, Patrice and her expert team met with the film’s director to discuss the plan – specific direction about the look and shades of the hair color in terms of real-life characters and era styles. With instruction and images in hand, Patrice took these lovely modern ladies back in time to the ‘60s for their film debut. 
